First of all a disclaimer: I am a converted vegetarian (almost a vegan) and I firmly believe that we have no right to take life of an innocent speechless animal for our taste buds. The views expressed here are my own and I don’t wish any religious or moral brigade attack me, so if I have hurt your sentiments, my apologies in advance.
“Sir I eat non-veg and drink alcohol” a client sheepishly told me. For the record, he was one of the nicest people I have even known. Cared for people, donated to charity, loved kids and old people, and was nice to almost everyone. I could imagine him turning pink with embarrassment while accepting his mortal flaws, which are totally legal, and as compared to most other vices, virtually harmless.
And I replied “No worries remember…WHAT YOU DO IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN WHAT YOU EAT” and went on to give him a 20-minute lecture in my typical way. In the end he was delighted and relieved. May be he hit the bar after that.
I remember this question coming up again and again in my consultations, especially from my clients in Punjab. And I often laugh it away. I have told may clients “I know my name sounds south India, but am a Punjabi, I have never stopped anyone from drinking. I am a Punjabi first, astrologer later…!” I get a loud laugh (with a hint of relief).
Hence, I thought that I should document my thoughts around this topic.
So here’s the Karmic break up of things:
- KARMA AND ALCOHOL: In drinking alcohol, you destroy some microbes, but that you do even while drinking milk. So no avoidable killing is involved here. As long as you are not driving, indulging in hurtful activities, domestic violence or becoming a menace after drinking, drinking is not a sin. Yes but if you can’t afford it, if you indulge in hurtful behavior, if your health doesn’t allow, stay away. Simple.
- KARMA AND NON-VEG: Well this is a tricky one. Whenever people ask me, being honest every time I have to tell them NON-VEG IS BAD KARMA. You take a life of someone who is weaker and speechless. There are some counter questions e.g. Jesus used to eat meat so did my Sadguru Sai Baba of Shirdi. My answer, they took life because they could give it back if they wished. Moreover, they did so in order to BLESS the dead animal. The body is mortal and will die some day, if an enlightened being like Sai or Jesus decides to take a part of that flesh, that being is sure to be saved and be given a better birth, even enlightenment. However, we cannot even ensure that we give a better state to even a microbe. Hence we are better not messing with the killing and eating business.
WHENEVER WE EAT A PART OF THE ANIMAL WE TAKE A PART OF HIS/HER KARMA, I bet you it won’t be fun as it is only because of bad karma that they suffered a painful existence only to meet an inglorious death at the hands of a butcher. Moreover, the pain, anger, and helplessness they felt at their last moments, are sure to get a karmic retribution against the killer and the eater.
It has been a few years that I have given up non-veg and don’t intend to eat ever in my life. However, I have seen that some of the nicest people I have met have been non-vegetarians (including my best friend), and some of the worst people I have met were vegetarians.
I know a few “vegetarians” who could “eat people alive” (figuratively of course). These “vegetarians” who are opposed to “violence against animals”, would not hesitate twice before ruining a family man’s life, killing a junior’s career, sacrificing the weaker person for their corporate gains or proverbial “throwing a man under the bus” of their ambition. To me these people are real cannibals and soul suckers.
If I know my astrology and Karmic studies well, there is a special place reserved for such people in hell, a section much worse than the non-veg eaters’ sections. For I know that Karma would have its retribution. In case you didn’t know, this guy was a vegetarian:
So guys, Karma literally eats diet for breakfast…going vegetarian is good, but if you can’t do that, it is all right as well.
Whatever you do, keep your Karma clean…that is much more important than keeping your diet clean.
God bless,
G. Vijay Kumar
Images: Google