SHADES OF CANCER (KARKA): The Child, The Mother, The Boss, The Drunk If someone asks me which is the most complicated sign of all, my answer has always been Cancer (Karka) (I think I should call it KARKA going forward…
Some of the readers commented on the choice of Joker picture for the representation of the sign of Cancer. I frankly could not find anything better from the pop culture to express the deep layered sign that Cancer is. If…
Should I, Shouldn’t 12. This was the question confronting me when I wanted to publish this on the blog. With people stealing my content left-right-and centre, I was sceptical about putting up one of the best research articles on the…
“Rahu is exalted in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio” I often hear this and shake my head in bitteramusement. This is one of the points which force me to think that OUR ANCIENT TEXTS HAVE BEENTEMPERED WITH. Thankfully, now people…
Out of all people, the children of Venus, Tula (Libra) and Vrishabh (Taurus) lagna, are the luckiest. For starters, they are almost always good looking, popular among friends, family and oppositegender, often successful in love. However, the biggest benefit is…
Remedies that are hurting you. One of my biggest missions in life is to remove superstitions associated with Hinduism andastrology. All that non-sense that has creeped into divine sciences and Sanatan Dharma over past 3000 years. My agenda is to…
At times I get some messages like “I am planning to commit suicide. Please help me.” For starters, I REFUSE TO TAKE CASES OF SUICIDAL PEOPLE. My instant reaction is to ask the personto call suicide helpline and block him….
“Astrology is the first resort of the unemployed.” My father used to say. There is some truth to thestatement. Not only do unemployed people visit astrologers a lot, many of them try to learn and doastrology themselves. Most obviously fail,…
Being blessed with a Guru-Chandal Yoga yours truly has a habit of experimenting with each andeverything before believing it. Right from Human Resources to Astrology my path has always been full ofexperiments some of which were disasters, some were 0k,…
Disclaimer: This was put as a comment under one of my articles “UNDERSTANDING KETU”. I was50 wowed by this that I decided to put it as is is a post for all to read and understand the ways inwhich Ketu…