Some of the readers commented on the choice of Joker picture for the representation of the sign of Cancer.
I frankly could not find anything better from the pop culture to express the deep layered sign that Cancer is. If you have seen that dark, depressing movie, you would know what I mean. That’s a good guy broken to the point of madness by the cruel world. I watched it once, and never went back. One show was more than enough for me.
Many people ask me “If you could change one thing about your chart, what would it be?”, my answer always is Moon, which is in sign of Cancer.
The cancer motto is “I FEEL”.
Cancer Sun is not that big a problem, even Cancer ascendant is doable, especially for male natives for females, ascendant is also a problem, but Cancer Moon…everybody gets screwed because capacity to feel the pain is too deep.
From a broken toy to a broken heart, these people cry buckets. And most of the tears come from depth of their sensitive nature. If you have a cancer moon child, parent, or spouse, PLEASE DON’T BE CRUEL TO THEM. They can literally cry their eyes out (ask how do I know).
Here is another secret I want to give you: SIGN OF CANCER…REPRESENTS HEART…!
It is the fourth Sign…represents chest, lungs, but most of all THE HEART.
MOON IS YOUR HEART. Wherever your moon sits, you can be unreasonably in love with that house and can be irrational about the demands made by that house.
Moon and Cancer represent love.
He doesn’t ask for admiration like Leo or authority like Capricorn, all he asks for his LOVE.
Their emotional wounds don’t heal easily. Mother and spouse play a very big role in emotional well-being of this person.
What heals them is children.
Cancer mothers make great moms, but they can be clingy and nosy, trying to hang on to their teenagers just like they owned their babies. Dear Cancer Mom, learn to set the child free, they will come back to you, as they would realize nobody loves them more.
Cancer Dads do a much better job, they are super protective about their children. A cancer moon would walk away from most potential conflicts or violence, but if you want to see ultra-violence, try harming their child. They would put Scorpios to shame with vengeance and fury that would be unleased to protect their child.
Cancer woman in love can hand on tightly to the point of monopolizing her man’s time and attention, that causes them to be dumped more often than more liberating women. Given that she feels so deeply, I won’t want this little creature to get hurt. Dear girl, men have a tendency to go away and come back, borrowing from the great book “Men are from Mars” Men are like rubber bands. If your man truly loves you, he will come back to you every time. Hold your horses, and unleash your man.
Cancer men, they are less vulnerable and more practical, as compared to their female counterparts. But then they do have to deal with the outside world, which can be menacingly cruel to these gentle souls. In youth these people are what you call “Emotional Idiots”, they wear their heart on their sleeves, and want to love, and be loved by everyone.
They want everyone right from school bus driver, to the math teacher to love them. (But Math teachers don’t really love anyone, do they?)
In teens they often clown to get the attention of the girl they are fascinated with. They cry their eyes out on a break up and often have dreamy scenarios about what their world would be like. These guys cry in the movies with tragic endings, they are in love with love.
Cancer and Capricorn are the most “PLUGGED IN” signs in the zodiac. However, they are plugged into different parts of the Matrix.
Capricorn buys into the myth of greatness of authority figures, from parents, to high achievers, to government and business heads.
Cancer on the other hand is plugged into the emotional side of the Matrix, they genuinely think that if you are nice, others would be nice to you. They believe in the power of love, and are bleeding hearts for their chosen cause. Are patriotic to the core, make the most devoted voters and fans. Once they grow up, the realize the importance of protecting their heart.
In case you have a heavy cancer in the chart, especially the Moon in Cancer, PLEASE DON’T WEAR YOUR HEART ON YOUR SLEEVE. YOU WOULD BE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF AND MADE FUN OF (again, ask me how do I know).
Once they grow mature, and realize that the world is not a “safe place” like the fairy tales told them, they would take either of the two ways.
The more emotional ones can have a break down, and can literally go crazy, or at least in deep depression.
Thankfully the more rational ones will take measures to protect themselves, they would often use a cold “no-nonsense” approach towards the world that is hard, they would face it with their hard shell. They would maintain more business-like approach and use the famous sense of humor, albeit this time with sinister motives.
Once they realize that whatever they learned, was not true, and the world is not a safe place, they can turn into this vengeful creature, who can destroy your ego and make you cry with his mean jokes (he might feel sorry for you later).
They have hard shells and strong bite. Let them be nice if they are being nice, don’t push them go into “no holds barred” battle mode.
A “Plugged In” cancer is the sweetest person you can ever meet. An unplugged one is dangerous.
As someone who was totally plugged in, and who is totally unplugged now, I can tell you that accepting the reality about the world is NOT EASY.
I have started a life coaching website and channel for unplugging people from the Indian Matrix, especially the youth.
If you have a Cancer moon and want to get unplugged, then you are welcome to visit:
@HonestLifeCoach and www.honestlifecoach.com
If you think that you are happy the way you are, then don’t even bother with them, they would hurt.
The Truth shall set you free, but first it would break your heart.
And Cancer people have the most breakable hearts.
G. Vijay Kumar
@HonestAstrologer www.honestastrologer.com
@HonestLifeCoach www.honestlifecoach.com